Installing and Setting up Chyrp Lite


Since I needed a way to document my installations and such on my personal server and websites because I'll eventually mess up and have to rebuild the whole thing (already happened once) I started looking for a blogging platform.

I decided to go with Chyrp Lite for my blog of choice. Hopefully it'll work out (if this site is currently not using Chyrp then you'll know it didn't.


I first created a new subdomain and SQL database on my website

Then I downloaded the latest release of Chyrp from the github repository. At the time of writing it was v2019.02. After downloading I used FileZilla to connect via FTP to my website's new subdomain folder and uploaded the contents of the release to it.

After that I just entered the line into my browsers url bar and I was taken to the installation page. I typed in the information of the database I created earlier and voila, I had a working blog.

This was a very simple install and I'm glad I was able to get it working. What took the longest was determining what software to use and that running it on an LXC wouldn't be the best idea right now. Good thing I already had a website through an outside host!

I realize now that blogging/documenting my projects is going to be a lot of work. But it has to be done so I'll just have to get used to it!

Chyrp Quick Start Guide